"Why Can't I Connect?" may be installed and updated in Ubuntu directly from the "Ubuntu Software Center" by installing the application's Launchpad ppa. Run the following three commands in a terminal to activate the ppa:
1. Added the "Check WiFi / Wired Network Login" menu item to the tools menu and button to the toolbar. This function launches the default router login / TOS (Terms Of Service) IP address in your preferred browser.
2. Added a check to see if the error pattern of a possible incomplete WiFi / wired network login is detected on any connection and asks if you would like to launch the default router login.
You've stopped for a cup of coffee or you've checked into a hotel. You've connected to their WiFi but you can't get any web sites to display. The hotel gave you a password but you never see a place to enter it. This simple application will usually fix the problem. Start it up and press the button.
The "Initiate WiFi Login" Android app is available at Google play and the Amazon Appstore.
"Why Can't I Connect?" Launchpad ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wciccmsadmin/whycanticonnect
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install whycanticonnect