1. Changed the visible trace to be easier to read. The trace shows in your normal font except for hexadecimal traces which show in a monospace font. Function headers display in blue, errors display in red, and warnings display in green. This matches to the look and feel of the "Why Can't I Connect?" Android companion app.
2. Changed the remembering of a server name to the drop down list from when it is connected to when it's IP address is resolved.
3. Changed the default timeouts from 60 seconds to 20 seconds. This only effects new installs. Previous installs will still need to change the timeouts in the preferences dialog.
4. Switched the "Ports In Use" default port type to listening.
5. Fixed a bug in the "Script Save As" to include the script run time parameters.
Script Downloads
Scripts for Gmail and Yahoo Mail have been added to the downloads. These scripts will check IMAP, POP3, SMTP SSL/TLS, and SMTP STARTTLS connections. Simply extract the scripts and play them in the “Why Can't I Connect?” Script Playback tool.
You've stopped for a cup of coffee or you've checked into a hotel. You've connected to their WiFi but you can't get any web sites to display. The hotel gave you a password but you never see a place to enter it. This simple application will usually fix the problem. Start it up and press the button.
The "Initiate WiFi Login" Android app is available at Google play and the Amazon Appstore.
Are you interested in a custom app for your own blog or business?
Add anything that does not fit into the other Knowledge Base categories. Website comments, general network comments, network administrator venting, etc... Keep it clean, civil, and no spam.
Release 1.10.3
In this release:
1. Changed the visible trace to be easier to read. The trace shows in your normal font except for hexadecimal traces which show in a monospace font. Function headers display in blue, errors display in red, and warnings display in green. This matches to the look and feel of the "Why Can't I Connect?" Android companion app.
2. Changed the remembering of a server name to the drop down list from when it is connected to when it's IP address is resolved.
3. Changed the default timeouts from 60 seconds to 20 seconds. This only effects new installs. Previous installs will still need to change the timeouts in the preferences dialog.
4. Switched the "Ports In Use" default port type to listening.
5. Fixed a bug in the "Script Save As" to include the script run time parameters.