The "Why Can't I Connect?" 1.3.0 Android companion app is now available.
In this release:
1. Added SSL / TLS support.
2. Added a trace showing the valid date range, subject, and issuer information of a certificate on completion of a successful SSL / TLS connection.
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P. S.
For technical reasons, user comments are now disabled in the News section of the website. Sorry for any inconvenience. Please feel free to add comments, questions, bug reports, enhancement requests, etc... in the Knowledge Base.
Release 1.12.1
In this release:
1. Added SSL / TLS support for Microsoft SQL server, MySql server, FTP, and IRC.
You've stopped for a cup of coffee or you've checked into a hotel. You've connected to their WiFi but you can't get any web sites to display. The hotel gave you a password but you never see a place to enter it. This simple application will usually fix the problem. Start it up and press the button.
The "Initiate WiFi Login" Android app is available at Google play and the Amazon Appstore.
Are you interested in a custom app for your own blog or business?
A Generic Server may be started on any available port. This is a handy tool for testing if a port is already in use and for testing firewall security / insecurity.
Android companion app release 1.3.0
P. S.
For technical reasons, user comments are now disabled in the News section of the website. Sorry for any inconvenience. Please feel free to add comments, questions, bug reports, enhancement requests, etc... in the Knowledge Base.